Wonders at the Wayside     2014
3 Circus wagons with accompanying theme-specific displays of sculptures, artifacts, and images
12" x 72" x 48"

Three circus wagons (each 4’ x 6’ x 8.5’) and an accompanying Sideshow transformed a traditional Wayside Rest Area into Circus Encampment during a 10-day festival celebrating the intersection of art and rural communities. Signage, sideshow banners, posters and ballyhoo contain a mashup of historic imagery culled from Sauk County Wisconsin’s rich circus history. Wagons were built specifically for the event, combining traditional wagon construction and regional corn drying architecture Each wagon housed a specific collection curated along a festival-appropriate theme.

Commissioned by Wormfarm Institute, Farm/Art DTour, Reedsburg WI

erika nelson . lucas . kansas . worldslargestthings@gmail.com . 785.760.0826