Kansas! Sideshow Extravaganza    2021              

Acrylic and canvas banner line, acrylic and panel title line, carnival stick joint construction, wooden assemblage fortune booth, nylon tent, assembled miniatures (various material), printed information plaques, custom printed fortunes.
10' x 30' x 16'

A traditional carnival stick joint features a full banner line of Kansas superlatives, interior collection of oddities and cabinet of wonder components, and a Kansas map with vitrines holding a World's Smallest Version of that geography's World's Largest Thing. Fortune teller booth was occupied 2x/day for the duration of the festival, with custom travel fortunes dispensed.

Commissioned by the City of Salina, Salina Arts and Humanities Artist-In-Action for the Smoky Hill River Festival.

erika nelson . lucas . kansas . worldslargestthings@gmail.com . 785.760.0826